Quote of the Moment

"It's never wrong to hope, Byx," said my mother. "Unless the truth says otherwise."
- from Endling #1: The Last, by Katherine Applegate

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

If You're Looking For Skyhaven...

Okay, just a quick little post here to say that I know my domain (Brightdreamer.com, home of Skyhaven Adoptions and my book review site that I don't think anyone even knows about) is having "issues" at the moment, as in it's been essentially inaccessible since Friday night. I'll be throwing together a quick update as soon as possible to see if that helps; if not, I'll be trying to contact tech support to see what's up. Just so you know, the Skyhaven Hunt will NOT be returning in this update - I am simply trying to get my sites back up and running. Work on the Hunt has begun, though, so don't fear, but this problem will be delaying the process. (By an odd coincidence, it was the night that I requested the subdomain for the Hunt - so it'll be easier to manage via FrontPage on my end without poking through the rest of Skyhaven - that my sites went down. I sincerely hope the two aren't connected...)

Anyway, if you need to contact me, leave me a message via Comments here.

UPDATE - It's Saturday night. Tech Support got back to me (yes, on a Saturday) to say that the problem was indeed on their end and it should be fixed within 24 hours. I'll probably be too busy tomorrow (Father's Day stuff and all), but I'll try posting Monday.

UPDATE UPDATE - So close, yet so far away... I finally got my main site (Skyhaven) back and updated, but I get stuck in a weird loop whenever I try updating to the subwebs (Brightdreamer Books and the new Skyhaven Hunt subweb.) I'll give them another day to work it out... maybe it's a last glitch. But at least the site's back up now. That's something.


the one said...

Brightdreamer thanks for this post I was wondering what happened to your site as I cannot access it. Then I remembered your blog... and poof! There was the answer! Ah well, no hunt but i'll still wait! Good Luck with your hunt progress.

PeppyPilotGirl said...

Hope you get it fixed soon!! Tech issues suck. Been thinking about you recently. I found a bead I need to do up and send you. One of these days I'll get there!

Brightdreamer said...

the one - Yeah, this has really put a crimp in my Hunt progress, but right now I'll be happy if I can get my sites operational again. With any luck (read: I don't get drug away by anyone), I'll be making my first attempt to update tomorrow (Saturday, June 15.) The thing's so screwed up I can't even access my domain e-mail, though, which shouldn't have been affected by a subdomain issue, so I'm not holding my breath on this just being a hiccup in service...

PPG - I actually should've guessed something like this would happen; I finally cleared that darned camp logo so my creative plate was relatively clean. Figures the site would act up now that I can give it the attention it needs... (I half-expect that second, half-arsed camp committee to call with a last-minute logo request. At this point, they'll probably be getting a new mascot, Mr. Stick Figure. Well, it is an outdoor day camp... sticks are outdoorsy... ;-) )

Brightdreamer said...

UPDATE - I just tried updating. Wonder of wonders, it didn't work. So I have made my sacrifice and offered up a plea to the gods of Tech Support, in the hopes that they can work their usual miracle. (I've had good luck with IPowerWeb tech support, so that's something...)

PeppyPilotGirl said...

ROTFL! Mr. Stick Figure - woohoo! I like it, I like it!