The 2008 Resolution List
- Restart my budget. Because I really need to get it pinned down.
- Organize, clean, and weed out my stuff. Because it needs doing, more badly than I care to admit.
- Walk and/or exercise at least three times a week. So I gave myself an out for cruddy weather... maybe this time it'll stick.
- Spend at least an hour a day creating (drawing, painting, writing, etc.) Another carryover.
- Fill at least three sketchbooks in a year. Because I seem to fall juuust short.
- Pick an instruction book or course on art or writing and follow through on it, start to finish. Maybe I need a little structure in my artistic meanderings...
- Finish at least one story for submission to contest or publication. A perennial favorite of mine... someday it's going to happen. I mean, heck, I never thought I'd sell anything I made, and last year I cleared four items.
- Learn to use my 2D and 3D art programs more competently. This is going to take some dedicated fiddling-around time...
- Maintain and promote websites more diligently. It's been ten years since I first launched the original version of my websites, after all; I ought to treat them better than I have been.
- Update website skills (including but not limited to learning XML, CSS, Flash, etc.) Because it's been ten years since I first launched the original version of my websites, and boy does it ever show...
- Post at least one new creation - artwork, story, Skyhaven critter, etc. - online per month. Yes, I sort of folded a few of 2007's missed resolutions together here...
- Investigate requirements for a business license. Since I seem to be making things to sell, I figure I ought to do things by the book. Besides, it sounds kinda fun to have a wholesale license. But, of course, it will require better bookkeeping than I do now, which ties back into Resolution #1...
Okay, 2008... let's see what ya got...
Those sound like good resolutions!
Let me know if you want advice for your business license, I've been through it all. :)
You can do it all - time to get crackin'!!
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