Quote of the Moment

"It's never wrong to hope, Byx," said my mother. "Unless the truth says otherwise."
- from Endling #1: The Last, by Katherine Applegate

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It Is Done

This morning, I drove out to Best Buy, computer printouts in hand.

This afternoon, I came home with a new laptop. This little guy, which was the best system I could find that stayed under the initial 700 buck limit I put on myself. (I received unexpected refunds from the IRS, both the economic stimulus check and another adjustment on my original refund that I hadn't thought I qualified for, which totalled about 700 bucks, and it amused me to think that the government would buy me a new laptop.) Though I went a bit over budget when I paid the extra 30 bucks for a pre-checked and -cleaned version from the Geek Squad. And I bought myself a new game, Fate, because it looked fun and, dang it, I wanna play once in a while. It was also 20 bucks, and I still have my best lucks with games that cost around 20 bucks. Once they added tax... well, I still think I got a decent deal. And I actually did it, instead of talking about doing it.

I've already booted it up, wiped the trial version of Office 2007, and put on Word 2003 (though I need to hook it up to the internet long enough to validate its codes and such), and I played a round of Spider Solitaire to help familiarize myself with the touchpad controls (which seem a tad touchy, no pun intended, but no moreso than other laptops I've poked at.) I had a brief moment of panic when I couldn't find the Geek Squad folder they handed me when I bought it, but I called and it turns out, no, they don't give you system OS or other vital disks, at least not when you buy laptops. So that's good. I also got the Vista For Dummies book at Barnes & Noble, which, after coupons and in-store discounts and membership discounts, came out to roughly half price. It'll take some doing, but I'm already growing fond of the little bugger.

Yes, I know I still have to clean up and finish the Camp Coyote logo. And I know I have to get cracking on drums and shields and anything else I can throw together to sell to help make up the cost of it. But today none of that is likely to happen. I've earned me some fun time. So, if you'll excuse me, I'm off see about installing my new game.


PeppyPilotGirl said...

Congratulations on the new laptop! Now it's time to plaaaaaay!!

Brightdreamer said...

PPG - So far, the logo and family have been consipiring to keep me from putting the little black critter through its paces like I want to, but hopefully I'll get the former problem knocked out soon... It's been fun so far, and Vista's not nearly the pest for me that it seems to be for others. Then again, I'm not doing very much with it yet...

Jade said...

Finally catching up on your blog :) The lack of a system disc is something I never thought about until I had my corrupted file a couple weeks ago... had the OS disc come with the laptop I might have saved myself quite a few bucks fixing it myself...

...then again... it would have been a horrible undertaking (from what the Jedi IT Friend said) so maybe it's best to not have the system discs...