Quote of the Moment

"It's never wrong to hope, Byx," said my mother. "Unless the truth says otherwise."
- from Endling #1: The Last, by Katherine Applegate

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Some manner of success...

Well, I'm over half a month behind my self-imposed deadline, but I just printed out the test copy of this year's Camp Coyote logo. Hopefully, that'll be it for that...

Speaking of artistic successes, my Snow Leopard drum sold. I'm down to one drum in the store. Really wish I could paint up more, but we're experiencing rodent issues in the basement, so my workbench is under protective covering until we get a handle on that... hopefully, some day soon... (Oh, how I long for a separate work shed...)

Anyway, just thought I'd post an "I'm not dead, I'm busy" entry on the ol' blog before returning to the pile of Stuff That Needs Doing.


Jade said...

Ahh... rodents. Do you prefer to let the cats have their say in the situation, or do you use traps? (I've always had success with Hav-a-hart traps myself)

Congrats on the drums selling! :)

Brightdreamer said...

These rodents are a bit bigger than the Hav-a-Hart traps... (If it were up to me, I'd call in an expert, as I think we're in a little over our heads here, but it ain't, so I can't.)

On the plus side, I think they've dealt with the resident mouse population.

Jade said...

Are they rats or squirrels?

I have noticed the rats around here are HU-GE. Our neighbor caught one in his shed once... we thought it was a small opossum.

Brightdreamer said...

Rats. Sneaky, destructive, steal-the-bait-out-of-the-trap-without-setting-the-frellin'-thing-off rats.

With our winter being relatively mild, we think there's a small mammal population explosion in the works...

PeppyPilotGirl said...

Shudder: rodents. What about cat-sized hav-a-harts?

Glad you're not dead!!

Brightdreamer said...

We're trying the larger live traps. And the death traps. And the only poison we could find that doesn't go up the food chain. (Normally we don't go for the killing end of things, but rats are simply too destructive and too invasive.) So far, success has been minimal.

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