Quote of the Moment

"It's never wrong to hope, Byx," said my mother. "Unless the truth says otherwise."
- from Endling #1: The Last, by Katherine Applegate

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Missing Month

It's February 23.  In less than a week, it will officially be March.  I'm still waiting for my February.

The weather around here has been wavering between March and April for the past few weeks.  I've seen butterflies and bugs and blooming flowers.  I've woken to birdsong and sunlight.  I went for a walk where I didn't even need my heavy jacket.  Sometime in late January, we jumped clear past the rest of winter and wound up in spring.

February was also robbed by a nasty bug.  I don't know if it's a cold, a flu, or a curse from the sinus gnomes.  Whatever it is, this thing has torn through the whole family, and roughly a month after the first twinges in head and ear signaled its arrival, it still doesn't want to let go.  I even missed a day of work from this - and I do not call out of work if I am even remotely capable of bipedal locomotion.

I had plans for February.  I was going to make significant headway on story revisions.  I was going to update my book review website. (I have several reviews backed up on my book review blog, waiting to be archived.) I wanted to get more drums painted up and investigate alternative outlet sources.  I thought I'd start the long-overdue reorganization of my room.  Instead, the only major accomplishment of the past fortnight has been finally sleeping through the night without once considering taking a power drill to my sinuses and ear to relieve the horrific pressure.

Of all the months of the year, February's always been something of a runt.  It can't even muster 30 days, and it only gets 29 every four years.  Sure, it has a few holidays, but it's usually a nondescript, gray little stretch of time.  Most of us hardly notice it as it slips past, riding the tail end of winter.  But it's still a month, and to find so much of it gone is depressing.

Four days left... wonder if I can find my missing month before then...

UPDATE - Well, it's February 28, the last day of the month, and I can finally say I've accomplished something.

Brightdreamer Books has been updated.  I now officially have more than 650 book reviews posted on the site.

Okay, so we can't all accomplish big things, all right?


Jade said...

It's an accomplishment! :)

I know how you feel about February... I've lost a couple over the years to back injuries or nasty cold/sinus issues. I say blow it off, jump into March, and show it who's boss. :)

PeppyPilotGirl said...

Take what accomplishments you can!

My annual nasty cold hits in early March so I'd take February over March but I do see your point.

logesse - a plethora of just-hewn timber presented as a gift