Quote of the Moment

"It's never wrong to hope, Byx," said my mother. "Unless the truth says otherwise."
- from Endling #1: The Last, by Katherine Applegate

Monday, March 15, 2010

Interlude with Daisy

Just a brief update to waste time while adjusting to the Missing Hour.

The February Bug has pretty much retreated to an occasional squeeze in the sinuses.  I finally felt secure enough to start up the Claritin again.  I didn't want anything to possibly interfere with my immune system while fighting the bug, and I have a vague, twisted idea that allergy medication might alter immune response, since allergies seem to be an overreaction of the immune system to unharmful stimuli.  My relatives, on the other hand, aren't so lucky.  My sister's ears are still clogged, and her sinuses and throat aren't done yet.  My mother was feeling better, but it's gone back to lurking in her throat again.  Hopefully, the danged thing clears out of the house soon.  Illness makes people cranky... well, crankier than usual.

I'm getting back on track with my various trivial goals in my trivial life.  I just made my first relatively major change in the story I'm editing, which feels much more productive than just opening the file and staring at random sections like I had been doing. (Whether or not the change helps, well, that's for Draft 3.) I still have some pacing issues to deal with.  I also have a vague idea that I can manipulate things so that the story doesn't need a sequel; has to do with relocating events in the finale, and possibly delaying them via a few more catastrophes.  I'll burn those bridges when I get there, though... right now, I've just started Chapter 9, where the main character has to recover from attempted murder and a close call with death by dragon fire.

Half the fun of writing is tormenting imaginary people.

Other than that, I can't say I have much to report.  Just thought I'd post to let all none of you know I'd shaken the worst of the bug.  I still never found February, though... I think it went wherever the Missing Hour goes after the time elves sneak into our houses and steal it from our clocks.

And the daisy?  Eh, I just shot the picture at a local park a few weeks ago.  Little daisies in the grass always mean springtime to me.  Mainly, though, I thought it would help dull the pain of trudging through a pointless blog post if there was a pretty picture to look at.

1 comment:

Jade said...

I recommend you carry a little bottle of hand sanitizer with you everywhere you go, and get all Niles Crane about using it all the time. Doorknobs and phones are the worst for germs.